RURO Sisterhood is giving widows and vulnerable women in East Africa a way out of extreme poverty and dire situations.
Through our 12 month business program, these women gain the tools and training to create a better, self-sustaining life for themselves and their children. Women graduate each year from this program after completing classes in English, Math, and Reading. They also graduate with a newfound knowledge of running a successful business in the area of their passion - be it tailoring, hand crafts, roadside restaurants, or growing and selling produce, to name a few.
A donation of $30 each month (or $360 for 1 year) brings help and change to a sponsored woman’s life, her family, and her community. Through sponsorship, you help provide training and resources needed to successfully start and run a business or learn a trade.
Your monthly sponsorship of $30 will provide food, clean water, medical treatment, hope and a future for a vulnerable woman in need.
“Learn to do good. Seek justice. Help the oppressed. Defend the cause of orphans. Fight for the rights of widows.”
Isaiah 1:17
We believe that education should be available to every child which is why we began our child education sponsor program. Education is the way out of extreme poverty and dire situations.
A monthly donation of $25 (or $300 for 1 year) will help fuel school fees, bringing lasting change and hope to a child’s life.
Those who sponsor a child through our program provide not only quality instruction but also clothing, food, and medical care. This is an opportunity for you, your family, or church group to make a long term investment and difference in the life of a child, their family and nation.
“Education is the most powerful weapon, in which you can change the world.”
-Nelson Mandela